Te Rōpū Tāne – the journey of the men’s groupTe Rōpū Tāne – the journey of the men’s group. The men’s group began in 2013 with great anticipation.
Poutiria Te Aroha – Ranginui Te Whare Akoranga Reo – Iwi Taketake Whare Kōhungahunga Maori, KaitaiaNgā tūhonohono tuatahi 2012 ‐2013 I tae atu ngā kaiako o Ranginui ki te Hui-ā-tau o Te Ataarangi i te mutunga o 2012,i reira rongoaii...
The story of HeleinaHeleina came to the kaupapa through her work at Te Mauri Tau. She took up a role helping out with office and administrative tasks.